مقالات در نشریات

#عنوان مقالهنویسندگاننشریهتاریخ انتشار
۱On minimal ideals in the ring of real-valued continuous functions on a frameAbolghasem Karimi Feizabadi- Ali akbar Estaji-Mostafa AbediArchivum Mathematicum(Brno)2018
۲Strongly fixed ideals in C (L) and compact framesAli akbar Estaji-Abolghasem Karimi Feizabadi-Mostafa AbediArchivum Mathematicum(Brno)2015
۳Intersection of essential ideals in the ring of real-valued continuous functions on a frameAli akbar Estaji-Abolghasem Karimi Feizabadi-Mostafa AbediJournal of Algebraic Systems2017
۴Zero sets in pointfree topology and strongly z-idealsAli akbar Estaji-Abolghasem Karimi Feizabadi-Mostafa AbediBulletin of the Iranian Mathematical Society2015
۵On injectivity of the ring of real-valued continuous functions on a frameAli Akbar Estaji-Mostafa AbediBulletin of the Belgian Mathematical Society - Simon Stevin2018
۶On regularity and injectivity of the ring of real-continuous functions on a topoframeAli Akbar Estaji-Mostafa AbediAlgebra Universalis2021
۷Concerning P-frames and the Artin–Rees propertyMostafa AbediCollectanea Mathematica2022
۸On CP-frame and Artin-Rees propertyMostafa AbediJournal of Algebra and Related Topics2023
۹Concerning strongly divisible, strongly fixed, andstrongly z-ideals in RLMostafa AbediCaspian Journal of Mathematical Sciences2022
۱۰Rings of Quotients of RLMostafa AbediHouston Journal of Mathematics2021
۱۱Some Notes on z-Ideal and d-Ideal in RLMostafa AbediBulletin of the Iranian Mathematical Society2020
۱۲On primary ideals of pointfree function ringsMostafa AbediJournal of Algebraic Systems2020
۱۳Quasi SV frames and their propertiesMostafa AbediQuaestiones Mathematicae2022
۱۴Zero-Divisor Graph of Real-Valued Continuous Functions on a FrameMostafa AbediFilomat2019
۱۵Concerning real-closed ideals in RL and SV-framesMostafa AbediTopology and its Applications2019
۱۶A note on weakly Lindelöf framesMostafa AbediQuaestiones Mathematicae2018
۱۷Closed ideals in the uniform topology on the ring of real-valued continuous functions on a frameMostafa Abedi-Aliakbar EstajiRendiconti del Seminario Matematico della Universita di Padova2020
۱۸C-completely regular framesMostafa Abedi-Aliakbar EstajiJournal of Frame and Matrix Theory2023
۱۹فشرده‌سازی برای قاب‌های کاملاً منظم بر اساس قسمت همصفرشانمصطفی عابدی - علی اکبر استاجیپژوهش‌های ریاضی(نشریه دانشگاه خوارزمی)2019
نمایش ۱ تا ۱۹ مورد از کل ۱۹ مورد.